Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Slight Progress

I'm making four cents a day between Helium and Triond, which isn't half bad, and will only increase if I keep writing and submitting content. Submitting pictures to Triond hasn't earned me a cent yet, it's all from the two articles I've done.

I signed up for MyBlogLog today under retrogradesonnet. I think it's the first thing I've signed up for in this experiment that doesn't directly purport to make me money. I'm still not quite sure how it works. It seems pretty obvious that it's a giant community of networking bloggers, but how it could possibly succeed I'm not sure of.

I also signed up this blog for Blogsvertise, a site which pays bloggers to talk about certain advertised products on their blogs. It's one of the only ones that might take me even though my blog isn't 30 days old, so I've given it a shot, but I've yet to be approved, even on a probationary status. We shall see.

In the meantime I think I'll be focusing my efforts on writing articles for Triond which I will then post on Helium. Triond is better, but you can do both with barely more work, so why not?

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