Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hitting the Big Time

The Good News: I've made it to the top. Triond is listing me on their "Hot Members" list under the "Popular" section. (Pen name: Samantha Enns)

The Bad News: What made me popular? A total of 78 views which has garnered me $0.19. That's what it takes to be a "Hot Member"? By those standards the hottest members are earning maybe $1.75 a week. Oh well.

Other News: Those numbers mean I'm earning 1/5th of a cent per page view. Of course they have their own algorithms and whatnot, but that's with a mix of articles and photos. I couldn't find a site to give stats on this, so I'll supply them myself.

Other other news: Agloco has had a lot of downtime today. I'm wondering if they're having far more success and traffic than they had anticipated, or if they're just poorly managed.

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