Sunday, July 1, 2007

Progress and Standstills

I think the weekend strategy was a good one. It really brought into clarity what enterprises were making progress and what ones had stalled out.

Progress: My Triond earnings increased by $0.30 which puts me at $0.64 cents total. Because that exceeds their payment minimum of $0.50 I'll get paid through PayPal when they do their June payments (July 15th). Unfortunately I am no longer on the Hot Members page, even though I have a lot of recent views. Maybe that means the site is getting more popular overall. Whatever it is, I'll have to write more to stay in the game.

Helium had further earnings of $0.02 for me, which is really just negligible. I like the site and it's fun, but because of how they're set up you have to write to answer the specific question they have on the site. Given that and my lower earnings, it doesn't seem worth it to work at that.

Global Test Market sent me two surveys over the weekend. One I was ineligible for, and the other had filled up by the time I tried to fill it out. Even so, they gave me 15 Market Points for the attempt, which is equates to $0.75. Not bad. I don't feel terribly helpful, but I'm getting paid pretty well.

Standstills: Survey Spot sent me a lot of surveys, almost none of which I was eligible for. Their payout is much bigger at $2-$10 per survey, so I guess I'll keep trying.

Blogsvertise has yet to send me a single "task" (paid post). I am on probationary status, but their suggestion to get off of probationary status is to accept and complete the tasks they offer you! Well Blogsvertise, I've done every single (n)one!

Google AdSense has yet to approve me. They said they would get back to me within one week of my application. That was on June 24th, exactly one week ago. Am I a difficult case? Worse blogs than this have Google Ads on them! I can't give you a link because really, why would I save a link to a blog worse than this one?

Other: AGloCo, Constant Content, and Slash My Search are all dependent on my activity, and as such have not changed over the past few days.

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