Saturday, July 14, 2007

What Now?

In spite of the things going on which I posted about recently, there is a distinct lack of things to do right now. No one has responded to my interactive comment challenge, Google AdSense has yet to approve me after close to three weeks since my application, and while I've gotten one sponsored post, there are no more immediately on the horizon.

My goal was to set up a blog and membership at revenue-sharing sites such that I would continually be presented with opportunities to earn and be productive, but I am beginning to realize that I need to keep myself busy, especially at these early stages. So what should I do with myself and my yet-to-be-famous killed time? I'm thinking ... networking. If anyone knows which of these community sites are best for actual interaction and networking with people with similar blogs, please let me know. (i.e., Technorati, Digg, MyBlogLog... you get the idea.)

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