Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Well, I'm done with my boring summer internship now, so I won't have quite as much time to kill (don't worry, the real shift will be when I start back to school in a month or so). I'll probably feel like doing slightly more productive things, like writing my senior thesis, or cracking down on that summer reading list.

Luckily, Helium has just updated their site to include a "Marketplace" where writers can add articles according to the usual rigmarole, but the article titles you're writing under have been supplied by publishers who are willing to pay for quality articles on that subject which meet or exceed their standards. Helium makes no promises, as well they shouldn't, since publishers have complete discretion, but the same ranking and payment system through Helium kicks in, so why not give it a shot? You're just writing the articles you'd probably write anyway, except this time with a built-in audition for (relatively) high-paying publishers.

Did I mention the publishers list the payment they're offering beside each article? As well as how much of that you would actually get. It looks like Helium takes a 20% cut, which isn't bad compared to the 35-50% net standard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam!
Thank you for linking to my blog. I have added a link to your blog as well. Have a nice day!